Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Vision for life

I am in the process of creating a "vision board" for my life. Its where I visually can put things that I want in my life, how I want my life to be, and my desires. I love it. Some things on it I will share in different posts.
I guess I am doing this because right now in my life, the only control I have is this vision board, since I am too sick to make my life anything like what I want. It is a great way for me to keep things/ goals that are important to me right in front of me.


jamieleighcall said...

I love your "vision" idea. I'm sorry you have been so sick. I know all too well exactly what you're going through. With Ben I was really sick for 13 weeks, with Emma 17 weeks, and with Josh about 18 weeks. It's miserable and I wish I was there to help you out! I would take your sweet kids and have them play with mine. They would love it. I'm hoping the next couple weeks zoom by for you!! Also, I've seen pics you posted of your house and it's much cuter than ours. You definitely have a gift with home decor. You're in my prayers, Mel.

Mom Lowder said...

I am thinking of you with love... when I was expecting my 4th, my others kids brought me crackers and water as I lay in bed hardly able to move for fear of the dizzy nausea.... (new term - dizzy nausea)... They were funny... They kept trying to thing of things to bring me to eat.... some were so funny we all just laughed...
This too shall pass....
It is good to envision a tropical island... and cool breeze
love, Louan

Lauren said...


I love visiting your site. It always uplifts me to read about your life. I love the new pics you have added. They are great pics. Your kids are so adorable. Hang in there!

Love Lauren

Emily Black said...

I love this idea!! I saw it on Oprah and decided I need to do one too. I think it would really help things stay in perspective, plus it would just be a lot of fun.

I just read your comment on my blog...how great would that be if you guys moved here when Chauncey's done??!! We'd love it!! We live in Fuquay and we love it here. Let us know...