Friday, April 11, 2008

Can we Keep Kate too?

This is the question Jack asks me when we talk about our "new baby sister" coming in late summer. Jack seems to think that because there is a "new baby sister" we must get rid of the old one!
I reassured him that we can keep both, if He REALLY wants us to. And His response is a huge SMILE!


JohansenWest said...

that's so sweet! :) i'd want to keep kate, too :) so any thoughts on the name for the new baby girl? james wants it noted that he suggests lindsey ashley.
oh and by the way, you guys have an open invitation to greece any time you want to go. my parents love james and anything attached to him, so that means you guys! :) they'd love to have you.

jamieleighcall said...

Kids are so sweet! I love the ultrasound pics. It made me wish for a second that was me (then I remember the morning and all-day sickness, bloating, back aches, etc.) You look beautiful, Mel! Jake read Chauncey's post on my blog and said to say "hi." I don't think I could get him to write on one of these if his life depended on it. ;)

Melanie and Chauncey West said...

Thanks for that suggestion charity! We are probably the worst you'll find to get a name before that baby is a month old. We will look for some and hopefully post something good!

Debbie and Bobby said...

children are great aren't they! Liam keeps asking if we get to keep Madison. Bobby told him that we paid for her so yes we are keeping her!