Monday, January 14, 2008

Mels softball days...

Here I am! This was me 10 years ago! Do I look just the same?! I think so too. My amazing softball coach Jerry Hall sent me this picture today and I had to share. Thank so much Jerry, your the best ever!
Back in these days, I could bench press 140 pounds, play 12 softball games in one day with getting sore, and I had a 6 pack stomach. Ahhh, those were the days!!


Rochelle said...

You're so cute! I would have loved to see you in action. I do think you look just the same...

Josh and Liz said...

You are such a babe! I have never had a six pack you rock! You do look the same.

Real Life Roberts said...

Just imagine if our bodies stayed the same as if we were in our prime! WOW!! I think I would get lazy not having to work out all the time! Fun to reflect on fun glory days! Hard body picture! Love it! PS I loved catching up on your Christmas posts! Fun times there!

Debbie and Bobby said...

Don't you miss softball! I certainly wouldn't ever give up what I have now but I miss my team sport days!

jamieleighcall said...

You look hot... and you still do! I've never had a 6-pack and never been able to bench 140 lbs. (only 138.) :)

Hope you guys are doing well. I saw our Christmas card hanging up on your door and it made me happy. You guys are great friends. Take care.


Emily Black said...

Hey Melanie!

Congratualtions on your big news!! Hard to believe you'll be a family of SIX!! Thanks for sharing all these pics of your beautiful family.

And, I think it's unanimous, you look the same!

Elizabeth said...

Wow! Great arms. Those are my dream arms. I've never actually worked for them, but perhaps now I will after seeing yours. Of course the bench pressing 140 seems absolutely infeasible for me. I can't even imagine it.

Mom Lowder said...

What strength.... and amazing discipline and fitness.
I would dare say that the workouts then pale in comparison to the workouts you get as a wife and mother of 3 (4) and you are powerfully building emotional and spiritual muscles that will bless you family eternally