Friday, October 19, 2007

Pictures of Our House in Dental school.....for Rachel

Breakfast nook
Living room
Other half of living room-its a big room.

Basement play zone(unfinished)
Half bath on the main level.
Dining Romm into kitchen. Notice Kate...she does this all the time!
Dining Room with built ins.
Half of Living room.

Our house right now...
Back yard...
and more back yard...we built the fence ourselves!(well, chauncey and Co. did)
My french Tour De Eiffel shower curtain for you Rach!
Our original tiled bathroom floor circa 1927.(LOVE IT!)

I took all these pictures 2 months later than promised because Rachel really wanted to see what our house looked like. So here ya go Rach! It took me so long because I wanted it to be clean before taking them....but that never happened so I impulsively went around taking pictures this morning just to get it done. So, please don't zoom in too close and see the dirt!


Rachel said...

It takes a brave and confidant woman to take a picture of her bathroom floor!
I LOVE your house! It is so cute and I am glad you took so maky pictures I almost got the layout of it down! The shower curtin rings and the painting in your bedroom made me smile!
I really like the steel back splash in your kitchen it totally works. and we do have the same counter tops! What a fun house it has alot of character and charm!
I can't wait for a basement to put all of Lincoln's toys! Where does Kate sleep? I didn't see her room just the boys. Thank you for posting the pictures they are awesome!

Melanie and Chauncey West said...

Kate sleeps in her room, and was sleeping when I took all the pictures. I forgot to mention that, and we have an entry way I didn't picture. Thats about it though. I am sooooooo glad you saw them. Miss you!

Melissa (Catlin) Kiser said...

melanie...what a cute house! you redid your kitchen, eh? it is beautiful! really gorgeous. well done. did you guys do it yourself? i love the cute pics of kate walking too. she's so big and i'm sure people tell you how cute she is all the time now!

Jessica said...

NO WAY! I swear I didn't see this before I wrote my last comment. I am SO glad you posted this--very very cute house.

Jessica said...

Our styles are a lot the same. Pics of my house are on my blog under the label "house"